Normalizing Mental Health Through Art
Join Us June 25th | 3pm-9pm
We are hosting a FREE ONE DAY art exhibition Saturday June 25th at the AMP on the 16 Tech Campus in Indianapolis, Indiana. We will be showcasing artists from Indy as well as Chicago, Gary, Hammond, Crown Point and More.
Our Goal
There is a positive connection between art and mental health. Its been known to lower stress levels and promote mental calmness. Our event will spotlight creatives who use art and music to help improve their mental wellness as well as serve as a platform to showcase the amazing creativity that fuels our community.

Countless people in our community struggle with mental health issues silently, until it’s too late. We’re hosting this event to help normalize conversations on mental health and provide the community with resources needed to help improve their well-being.
Come out and support, the event is FREE!
Saturday June 25th 3pm-9pm
– Raise $ for Local Charity
– Provide Mental Health Resources
– Artist/ Creative Exposure
– Local Business Exposure
– Inspire/ Build Community
– Have a Great, Safe Time!

We Need Your Support
We want to create an amazing experience as well as highlight local businesses. With your support, we can cover our expenses, as well as provide resources for our creative community.
For each sponsorship, your company logo will be placed on a number of key marketing pieces. We will also mention sponsors throughout the event during our live music portion of the show.

Calling all local vendors interested in showcasing their products or services. We have limited areas designated for vendor tables.
Each vendor will be designated an 6ft wide area. Each vendor will be responsible for bringing their own tables, branded table cloths and retractable signage.
We will list all vendors on our website and promote on our social media.
Vendor entry fee is $150. Early Bird Special $100
For more details
EMAIL = admin@fakultydesign.com
Jon P – 219-386-1001
Aaron G – 773-609-3773
Fakulty Design | Square One Culture | Maad Queen Media | Culture 73 Media | Nippy Hipperds